Thursday, October 26, 2017

My Favorite Game

My favorite game is called Super Mario Galaxy. It's for the Wii but the third version of the game is for the Wii U. The object of the game is to travel to different 'galaxies' and collect things called 'power stars' to power up this floating observatory in order to fly to the center of the universe to rescue Princess Peach. I love this game because I love astronomy and learning about the different galaxies. It's very entertaining but can also be somewhat stressful because some galaxies are super weird and hard. My favorite galaxy is called Rocky Road galaxy, a galaxy made of candy, and you have to walk through a moving road made of cookies with holes in it to get to the power star, and if you fall through the holes you lose a life so oops.
There really isn't a benefit to playing at all except its fun to play when you're bored. I mean some downfalls from it are you'd probably fail school if you play this game instead of doing your homework :P

 Image result for super mario galaxy
Image result for super mario galaxy power star - this is a power star btw

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Geeks Poem

I’m supposed to write a poem
For creative writing
But they’re all going to be the same

So I’ll switch it up a bit
Instead of blonde hair I’ll have red
I’ll be 51 instead of 15
And my eyes will be a deep green

Instead of being born in New York
I’ll say I was born at the bottom of the ocean
And instead of living in Rochester
I’ll say I live in the Bahamas

Instead of being a writing major
I’ll say I like to dance
And instead of SOTA
I’ll say I’m homeschooled

In this case, my poem will not be the same
As everyone else's description
For I am 51, white with red hair, born at the
Bottom of the ocean, live in the Bahamas,

I’m homeschooled, and I love to dance