First off, in my own opinion, Dandelion Wine is BORING. I'm not saying its not a good book, I just thought it was really really boring. Like, okay, you do the same things every summer. I mean it was a good book it was just really boring. I feel like such a horrible person for saying these things probably because our teacher thought we'd like it maybe (sorry mr. craddock) but it made me want to eat glass.
now my arm is bleeding for whoever knows why omg
The writing was good in the book, and the stories were creative. A lot of people probably love this book, but I for one don't like this genre.
The impression the author made on me was 'he probably lived in the olden times or back in the 90's or something, idk.
OKAY THE POINT IS I did not like this book very much it was really boring to me and it was very confusing, like every chapter was a whole new story based on the story before that one based on the two main characters like OMGIJRPBCNDNDKFVM'AW very confusing.
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