Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Styles of Music | Pop Music
My preferred genre of music is probably pop music. I like the fast beat it has and how singers voice the lyrics, and how the background music is played. I am a fan of hip-hop dancing and most hip-hop is done with pop music in the background. My favorite pop artist is a band called Forever in Your Mind starring Ricky Garcia, Emery Kelly, and Liam Attridge. All of their songs are extremely catchy and each time they release a new one I automatically know I'll love it.
I grew up listening to different types of pop, such as dream pop, electropop, trip-hop, and future pop, mostly genres having to do with another good pop singer/duo who call themselves Purity Ring.
I still listen to this style of music because I do enjoy it.
My style of music is somewhat different from my parents, but not a lot. They both listen to pop, but different genres of pop than I do. Many of my friends also enjoy this type of music since it is kind of the popular genre nowadays.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
All About: The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants
Alright everyone, you know what time it is. So today's assignment is to research a bestselling book we chose over Thanksgiving break, and I chose The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
So this book was originally published in New York City by 17th Street Productions. The book production cost is not stated, but the film cost was over 25 million. This book was a very interesting book. It has to do with four best friends who are all going to be separated for the summer. On their last day together, they all find a pair of pants that all seem to fit them perfectly. They decide to share them over the summer as their way of communication.
This book is somewhat different than other books I have read in school. I have never been assigned to read a realistic fiction book, which is my favorite genre. I recommend this book to people who enjoy classics and of course, realistic fiction. I find the movie much better than the book because you can get a better understanding of how the characters look/feel.
I don't think there is much you can learn from this book except just how loyal friends can be, and just how sentimental something ordinary can be. I think this book would be a good book for English or other writing classes, and I will definitely read it again (and watch the movie :p)
Thursday, November 16, 2017
The Face on the Milk Carton [BANNED??????????????]
BOYYY okay lemme start by saying you all remember how happy I was writing my last post about how The Face on the Milk Carton was my favorite book??? Well today I just found out it's BANNED like E X C U S E M E.
APPARENTLYYYYY It's been banned since like 2009 or something which is weird because I found it in the library and stuff sooooo yeah I'm confused.
Anywho its banned apparently because of the "sexual content' EVEN THO ITS ONLY KISSING LIKE BOI and challenge to authority like ?????????? her parents lied to her her whole life what I would be mad too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO STUPID like I'm really gonna drive down to wherever these people are and slip something into their coffee like o m g.
I most definitely think this book should not be banned because it is an amazing book and it uses lots of good imagery and the plot is nice and the characters are all awesome and everything so UN BAN IT PLEASE USA.
I got my sources from google search cuz they just popped up when I typed it into the search bar so idrk what to put for works cited tbh.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Favorite Book :)
My favorite book of all time is probably 'The Face on the Milk Carton' by Caroline B. Cooney. I love this book because it talks about a possible kidnapping { you'll find out in the end (; } and I find that topic to be somewhat interesting. No I'm not a kidnapper, I just find the topic interesting. I like the way imagery is used within this book and I am a fan of realistic fiction. Although this book does not state one of the genres is realistic fiction, I would classify it as one since this situation could happen in real life. It is about a young girl named Janie who finds her three year old picture on the back of a milk carton under the missing children's section. She begins to investigate until she finds out her 'parents' are indeed her grandparents and her 'real mother' kidnapped her from a shopping mall when she was three. She meets her real family in the second book 'Whatever Happened to Janie?' and they try to welcome her but she misses her old 'real' family and eventually returns back to them, leaving her real family heartbroken. It is a beautiful book and I love reading it, and I recommend it to people who love mystery and suspense stories.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Shocking Video Games ?
I haven't played a game that really shocked me but I have seen some at arcades and stuff where they have those hunting and racing games with women on the front half naked and dancing. I lowkey find that disrespectful like what. Most music videos nowadays are these half naked people dancing all inappropriate like why is that what entertains people now? I mean I know some people like that type of stuff but to me I just find it disturbing that all people need to have is beauty and a nice body and wala they're famous. I don't really know why things like this are made because to me its kind of disturbing but I guess people have different likings. I don't think there really is an excuse for this other than people just want up-to-date music videos, songs and more. I don't really find it a problem although it is kind of disrespectful to me because of how they portray women on those video games like that.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
My Favorite Game
My favorite game is called Super Mario Galaxy. It's for the Wii but the third version of the game is for the Wii U. The object of the game is to travel to different 'galaxies' and collect things called 'power stars' to power up this floating observatory in order to fly to the center of the universe to rescue Princess Peach. I love this game because I love astronomy and learning about the different galaxies. It's very entertaining but can also be somewhat stressful because some galaxies are super weird and hard. My favorite galaxy is called Rocky Road galaxy, a galaxy made of candy, and you have to walk through a moving road made of cookies with holes in it to get to the power star, and if you fall through the holes you lose a life so oops.
There really isn't a benefit to playing at all except its fun to play when you're bored. I mean some downfalls from it are you'd probably fail school if you play this game instead of doing your homework :P
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Geeks Poem
I’m supposed to write a poem
For creative writing
But they’re all going to be the same
So I’ll switch it up a bit
Instead of blonde hair I’ll have red
I’ll be 51 instead of 15
And my eyes will be a deep green
Instead of being born in New York
I’ll say I was born at the bottom of the ocean
And instead of living in Rochester
I’ll say I live in the Bahamas
Instead of being a writing major
I’ll say I like to dance
And instead of SOTA
I’ll say I’m homeschooled
In this case, my poem will not be the same
As everyone else's description
For I am 51, white with red hair, born at the
Bottom of the ocean, live in the Bahamas,
I’m homeschooled, and I love to dance
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Blogging Articles | Question Two
I don't remember my first encounter with the internet but I do remember what I used the internet for. I used it a lot to play games on Nickelodeon or to play animal jam or y8, all those computer games that were popular back then. My relationship with the internet wasn't that different from any other types of media, such as the radio, or television. To me when I was little they all meant the exact same, I was fascinated by all of them.
Okay this one wasn't that long but I didn't know what else to say sooo yeah
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Blogging Articles | Question One
Alrighty guys, here's today's assignment.
My first experience with a computer was when I was about six or seven. My cousin had a nintendo DS, and it had a cute little pet shop game with it. She let me play it one day and I was O B S E S S E D like you don't even KNOOOW. I begged my parents for years on end, but eventually gave up as nobody really cares about them anymore. My first computer I got in 5th grade, because my dad was sick and tired of me writing my stories on papers and having all these crumpled up papers around the house, so he gave me a laptop so I could write my stories on it. However I broke it, and ended up getting a new one two years ago, in eighth grade. I love my laptop, I like to stick stickers on it and watch and edit videos, and write stories. I don't really have any memories of my first one except I took it everywhere.
This is the first question I have to answer, the second and third I have to answer on seperate posts for some reason idk one post per question. Although I have like 4 mins left oops so I probably have to do them for homework :/
Monday, September 18, 2017
Guess Whose Back?
Hiya everyone, guess whose back? That didn't really seem like a long two months tbh. I feel like I was just writing my last post. But anyways, here is my first post of the year.
This post is supposed to be about a type of media I think is good for the environment and a type of media I think is bad for the environment, so lets jump right into this so I don't get a missing assignment alert ;)
A media I find helpful to my own life is probably my phone. I know probably the entire class is doing this, but its true. I use my phone for everything, time, weather, camera, news, google, social media, entertainment, even eating if I don't know what to eat/drink. I think it is a very helpful media product, and I think a lot of other people enjoy it as well. Many people set alarms on their phone, keep their planner/agenda on their phone, many people's whole lives are stored in their phone. It does especially annoy me when people say "My phone is my life" noooooooooo your life is your life, your phone is just a helpful tool that helps you succeed in life. I don't like it when people surround their life with their phone, it is good to get up and do stuff away from your phone once and a while.
A type of media I find is unhealthy is, believe it or not, still my phone. Yes it is a very helpful piece of technology, but many people absorb their entire lives into their phone. But phones can also do a lot of damage. People stay up late at night staring at their phone screen in the dark, which is very damaging to your eyes and health. People sleep with their phone, which is also damaging to health. Many people are addicted to their phones, and it affects their daily life, such as when people use their phones while driving, or when their walking which is very dangerous to you're and someone else's life. I don't think phones are a bad thing or should be removed from society, but I think people should learn that their phone shouldn't control their life, and people should know when to take a break and when to not.
This post is supposed to be about a type of media I think is good for the environment and a type of media I think is bad for the environment, so lets jump right into this so I don't get a missing assignment alert ;)
A media I find helpful to my own life is probably my phone. I know probably the entire class is doing this, but its true. I use my phone for everything, time, weather, camera, news, google, social media, entertainment, even eating if I don't know what to eat/drink. I think it is a very helpful media product, and I think a lot of other people enjoy it as well. Many people set alarms on their phone, keep their planner/agenda on their phone, many people's whole lives are stored in their phone. It does especially annoy me when people say "My phone is my life" noooooooooo your life is your life, your phone is just a helpful tool that helps you succeed in life. I don't like it when people surround their life with their phone, it is good to get up and do stuff away from your phone once and a while.
A type of media I find is unhealthy is, believe it or not, still my phone. Yes it is a very helpful piece of technology, but many people absorb their entire lives into their phone. But phones can also do a lot of damage. People stay up late at night staring at their phone screen in the dark, which is very damaging to your eyes and health. People sleep with their phone, which is also damaging to health. Many people are addicted to their phones, and it affects their daily life, such as when people use their phones while driving, or when their walking which is very dangerous to you're and someone else's life. I don't think phones are a bad thing or should be removed from society, but I think people should learn that their phone shouldn't control their life, and people should know when to take a break and when to not.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Mystery Book / Story Review :)
We only have like 4 more class days o m g and I think this is gonna be my last blog post :(
ANYWAY so I finished my mystery story and the ending was kinda bad but I didn't have any other ideas for it so oops.
Anyway I'm supposed to be talking about my mystery story and the mystery book we were reading. I'm gonna start with my mystery story first.
So I titled it 'Murder in Manhattan' even though that's probably a book title anyways so I hope I don't get copyrighted :O I think it was maybe one of the best pieces I've written all year tbh. I liked the imagery and suspense I used but towards the end it kind of turned out weird. I feel like the ending was a bit cliche but idk man I mean that's just my opinion on it. I was happy how creative I was with the names of characters ayee they turned out awesome :D
So the mystery book we were reading is called And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It was actually a good book with an odd little poem at the beginning describing how 10 little soldiers or something and ways that they died, and it turns out IT WAS DESCRIBING THE PEOPLE IN THE BOOK OMG I didn't even realize it until the first dude died I was shook. Overall it was a good book with a lot of mystery in it but its a mystery book so ig that makes sense XD okay I'm gonna wrap this up now because I have nothing else to say and I also have to work on my portfolio :) This is my last blog post until September but I might post something now and then :D any who see ya in September
(I actually don't know who I'm talking to since nobody reads this :l)
ANYWAY so I finished my mystery story and the ending was kinda bad but I didn't have any other ideas for it so oops.
Anyway I'm supposed to be talking about my mystery story and the mystery book we were reading. I'm gonna start with my mystery story first.
So I titled it 'Murder in Manhattan' even though that's probably a book title anyways so I hope I don't get copyrighted :O I think it was maybe one of the best pieces I've written all year tbh. I liked the imagery and suspense I used but towards the end it kind of turned out weird. I feel like the ending was a bit cliche but idk man I mean that's just my opinion on it. I was happy how creative I was with the names of characters ayee they turned out awesome :D
So the mystery book we were reading is called And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It was actually a good book with an odd little poem at the beginning describing how 10 little soldiers or something and ways that they died, and it turns out IT WAS DESCRIBING THE PEOPLE IN THE BOOK OMG I didn't even realize it until the first dude died I was shook. Overall it was a good book with a lot of mystery in it but its a mystery book so ig that makes sense XD okay I'm gonna wrap this up now because I have nothing else to say and I also have to work on my portfolio :) This is my last blog post until September but I might post something now and then :D any who see ya in September
(I actually don't know who I'm talking to since nobody reads this :l)
Friday, May 19, 2017
Mystery Elements
Alrighty kids so here is a weekly (semi weekly?) blog post. Today I'm going to be discussing some elements found in the mystery genre.
Sooo one element that is almost always in mystery is a detective. I mean, who else is gonna solve who killed the manager of the gas station that sells hot sausages, who was actually a spy.
Another element is obviously clues. I mean, detectives need clues. For instance, they try to find the killer, and while they are searching the gas station they find a hair or a small meaningless object such as a lipstick or a pencil that belonged to them. Or if they're lucky an ID but I don't think a killer is dumb enough to bring that.
Personally I like this genre I think its interesting. Its probably in my top 5 favorite genres (Comedy is first no doubt) Its cool and mysterious (duh)
I have watched a lot of mystery shows, like Get Smart which is a spy show. I haven't seen any mystery movies, besides To Kill a Mockingbird which kind of deals with mystery but its not classified in that category.
So yeah better get to thinking of an idea for a mystery book so gotta blast!
Sooo one element that is almost always in mystery is a detective. I mean, who else is gonna solve who killed the manager of the gas station that sells hot sausages, who was actually a spy.
Another element is obviously clues. I mean, detectives need clues. For instance, they try to find the killer, and while they are searching the gas station they find a hair or a small meaningless object such as a lipstick or a pencil that belonged to them. Or if they're lucky an ID but I don't think a killer is dumb enough to bring that.
Personally I like this genre I think its interesting. Its probably in my top 5 favorite genres (Comedy is first no doubt) Its cool and mysterious (duh)
I have watched a lot of mystery shows, like Get Smart which is a spy show. I haven't seen any mystery movies, besides To Kill a Mockingbird which kind of deals with mystery but its not classified in that category.
So yeah better get to thinking of an idea for a mystery book so gotta blast!
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Fantasy Assignment Review
So our class had a fantasy story assignment and of course I had to make some big idea so I didn't even finish it (but I'm close I have like a paragraph or two left) but I do like how it turned out. Some things I had to cancel out because they didn't make sense but otherwise I did like the assignment, even though I don't like fantasy books. It was fun to look up a bunch of interesting words and things to help with my story so there's some points. I lowkey slacked off some because I thought I'd be able to finish it, which I almost did, but that was not smart because a lot of people finished before me and woops.
Furthermore (hey look i used a smart word) I did like this project, and I thought it was really fun.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Fantasy Sightings
Alrighty folks now today's assignment is to write about some fantasy films/TV shows you've seen about fantasy. Well I've seen several films, but not many TV shows, so I'm just going to describe the movies since I cant remember any TV shows anyhow. One fantasy movie I remember is The Wizard of Oz that movie terrified me. I was so scared of tornado's (I still am) and the wicked witch of the west just scared me overall. I also watched the movie, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nymph and that was a really good movie. I liked how they portrayed Mrs. Frisby's struggle on how she had to find a way to keep her and her family safe without somehow killing her son. I have also read many fantasy books too, like the Harry Potter series (even though it was only one book) and The Lord of the Rings (also one book). I really can't remember anymore, so I'm gonna end it here and pray all this counts.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Tolkien Review (Aka The Hobbit in which the authors name is bigger than the title so it looks like the title)
All I ever do is book reviews so lets get to it. I somewhat liked this book, because I have been wanting to read the Lord of the Rings for quite some time now, but I personally don't really like fantasy anymore, so it was kind of boring for me. There were some action scenes, like when Bilbo fought the dragon. My group and I (aka Pahz, Jenna, Victoria, Kordae and I) discussed the book in our group last period. I learned somewhat nothing I already knew about the fantasy genre because I already know what it consists of. Magic, evil creatures, forests, that kind of stuff. I feel my reviews are always short but that's because I really never know what to discuss. So yeah I guess this is the end of my review. I didn't hate the book, but I didn't really like it either. If you like fantasy I would def recommend this though.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Another Martian Chronicles Review
Alright these reviews are getting out of hand tbh but lets just get this over with shall we? But I did like this book better than Dandelion Wine that's for sure, mostly because it included more action in its chapters, and more interesting situations. I also like the topic a lot better because historical-fiction stories seem less interesting to me than science fiction ones. I mean, historical-fiction stories seem really boring, and I personally am not interested by books that talk about making wine out of weeds or someone who eats lime-vanilla ice cream like that sounds disgusting. But give me a book that talks about aliens and mars and earth at the brink of war, sure, I'll read it. I also liked The Martian Chronicles because of the way Bradbury took simple earth things and turned them into an even bigger issue on Mars, such as chicken pox. Chicken Pox on earth isn't such a big deal, but on Mars it turned out to be a huge deadly disease that burned martians to the bone. But overall I think The Martian Chronicles was a much better book than Dandelion Wine.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Back At It With Reviews | The Martian Chronicles Review
So we are now done with Dandelion Wine and we are onto another book by Ray Bradbury called The Martian Chronicles. So this blog post is going to be reviewing a chapter lol not again pls help okay anyway lets get started.
So I have chosen the first chapter, mainly because I like how this book begins. So this chapter is titled February 1999: YLLA which sounds odd but whatever I mean I didn't write this book idk the meaning. But this chapter is about how YLLA has a strange dream about humans.
Soooo the setting in this chapter is Mars, at YLLA and her husband YLL's home. They describe magnetic dust and a hot wind. The time is of course, 1999 in February. The season isn't really named but it's Mars so I'm guessing it doesn't snow. The weather probably is usually desert-like tbh.
So this chapter is the first so naturally it occurs in the beginning where YLLA has a strange dream where a human comes to meet her and YLL gets mad and thinks its absurd, but like YLL its a dream chill sir.
Alrighty last thing I have to see if Bradbury uses setting to describe moods or people. Soo when YLLA was upset because YLL wouldn't let her go to her friend Pao's, they tried to eat dinner but YLLA was too sad to eat. Bradbury described the setting (the room) as 'suddenly cold and dark'.
ALRIGHTY Thats all folksssssssssss see ya
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
I DO NOT LIKE THIS BOOK | Dandelion Wine Analysis (Own Opinion)
ALRIGHTY KIDS my last post was supposed to be about POSITIVE THINGS about the book, but now I get to put in my own opinion into how I think Dandelion Wine is.
First off, in my own opinion, Dandelion Wine is BORING. I'm not saying its not a good book, I just thought it was really really boring. Like, okay, you do the same things every summer. I mean it was a good book it was just really boring. I feel like such a horrible person for saying these things probably because our teacher thought we'd like it maybe (sorry mr. craddock) but it made me want to eat glass.
now my arm is bleeding for whoever knows why omg
The writing was good in the book, and the stories were creative. A lot of people probably love this book, but I for one don't like this genre.
The impression the author made on me was 'he probably lived in the olden times or back in the 90's or something, idk.
OKAY THE POINT IS I did not like this book very much it was really boring to me and it was very confusing, like every chapter was a whole new story based on the story before that one based on the two main characters like OMGIJRPBCNDNDKFVM'AW very confusing.
<<< the book
<<<< the author (why does he look like a famous actor i know oops)
First off, in my own opinion, Dandelion Wine is BORING. I'm not saying its not a good book, I just thought it was really really boring. Like, okay, you do the same things every summer. I mean it was a good book it was just really boring. I feel like such a horrible person for saying these things probably because our teacher thought we'd like it maybe (sorry mr. craddock) but it made me want to eat glass.
now my arm is bleeding for whoever knows why omg
The writing was good in the book, and the stories were creative. A lot of people probably love this book, but I for one don't like this genre.
The impression the author made on me was 'he probably lived in the olden times or back in the 90's or something, idk.
OKAY THE POINT IS I did not like this book very much it was really boring to me and it was very confusing, like every chapter was a whole new story based on the story before that one based on the two main characters like OMGIJRPBCNDNDKFVM'AW very confusing.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Dandelion Wine Analysis
Dandelion Wine is a collection of stories that are about two young children, Douglass and Tom, and how they are enjoying their summer.
Dandelion Wine is a very very very very (very times 100) boring book, in my opinion, since I don't really like these types of books. But the writing in it is good, the stories have interesting plots, and the characters have nice named like Douglass and Tom. A lot of books I've read have odd names like "Hangraytalamore" or something.
One chapter I liked was the story of an old woman who was trying to convince two children that she was once young. She buys them ice cream and tells them stories, but the two children don't believe her. It made me frustrated that she had to keep showing them stuff and they didn't believe her, because everybody knows that people were all young once.
Another story I liked was the first one, where Douglass is waking everyone up. I like the descriptions the story makes, like how he is yelling at his grandma's to fry hot cakes and how they describe the scent of butter frying.
I think the best thing in Bradbury's book 'Dandelion Wine' is the description of things, how he described hot cakes, or lime-vanilla ice cream. I like how he describes situations, like Leo Auffman and his machine, and how Leo was feeling at the time.
Dandelion Wine is a very very very very (very times 100) boring book, in my opinion, since I don't really like these types of books. But the writing in it is good, the stories have interesting plots, and the characters have nice named like Douglass and Tom. A lot of books I've read have odd names like "Hangraytalamore" or something.
One chapter I liked was the story of an old woman who was trying to convince two children that she was once young. She buys them ice cream and tells them stories, but the two children don't believe her. It made me frustrated that she had to keep showing them stuff and they didn't believe her, because everybody knows that people were all young once.
Another story I liked was the first one, where Douglass is waking everyone up. I like the descriptions the story makes, like how he is yelling at his grandma's to fry hot cakes and how they describe the scent of butter frying.
I think the best thing in Bradbury's book 'Dandelion Wine' is the description of things, how he described hot cakes, or lime-vanilla ice cream. I like how he describes situations, like Leo Auffman and his machine, and how Leo was feeling at the time.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Love Poem (I think..?)
Okay so I have to write a love poem on here but I hate love poems so here's an ANTI love poem:
You knock on my door
Its way past midnight
I tell you to go,
Farewell and goodnight.
You come back the next day
Bringing flowers and food
I tell you to go
I'm not in the mood
You think I just despise you
So you're constantly drinking booze
But the truth really is
I saw your criminal record on the news
Okay this is actually funny to me HAHA but nobody else laughed at it so maybe its not that good idk bye kids !
You knock on my door
Its way past midnight
I tell you to go,
Farewell and goodnight.
You come back the next day
Bringing flowers and food
I tell you to go
I'm not in the mood
You think I just despise you
So you're constantly drinking booze
But the truth really is
I saw your criminal record on the news
Okay this is actually funny to me HAHA but nobody else laughed at it so maybe its not that good idk bye kids !
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Definitely Sci-Fi
Science Fiction is my favorite book genre. I have debated between it and fantasy, but I think sci-fi wins the debate, because I find it very interesting. I like the idea of aliens, and different dimensions, and space. But that's not all sci-fi is. It adds flavor to the story, like your sitting down eating a sandwich while watching TV. All of the sudden, when you bite into your sandwich, the power shuts off. Turns out the special bread you found in the back of the supermarket, was an alien in disguise who controlled electricity. Well, that's that. I find sci-fi to have a certain affect on stories that fantasy just doesn't have.
Maya Angelou's Top 10 Writing Rules Review
Personally, I think writing rule number 7 is the best rule. 'You are Talented.' I think if writers knew that rule, they would me much more excited to write creatively. When people tell me I'm good at things, it makes me want to do it even more.
I also think rule number 8, 'Learn to Say No' is important, because maybe your publisher is trying to make you write a story on something you don't like the idea of. Don't be afraid to lose your publisher, there are plenty out there. Learn to say no to them. Don't be afraid to.
Rule number 4, 'Love' also seems important to me because many writers often think they have no time but to write. That's not true. Take a break, relax, laugh, and of course, Love.
I also think rule number 8, 'Learn to Say No' is important, because maybe your publisher is trying to make you write a story on something you don't like the idea of. Don't be afraid to lose your publisher, there are plenty out there. Learn to say no to them. Don't be afraid to.
Rule number 4, 'Love' also seems important to me because many writers often think they have no time but to write. That's not true. Take a break, relax, laugh, and of course, Love.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Sci-Fi Or Fantasy
My favorite genre is probably fantasy or sci-fi because I love the idea of magic or space. I find space the coolest thing ever because it's so interesting. I love the planets and stuff. I love the idea of magic. When I imagine magic or fantasy, I think of a silver or deep purple mist. I like to write about sci-fi and the idea of ALIENS INVADING just kidding, I don't believe in that. But I do like the idea of it. Say its a normal day on earth, la da da, and your headed towards the beach carrying a picnic basket filled with sandwiches, cookies, lemonade, cups and a picnic basket. You lay the blanket down and you and your friends start enjoying it, but suddenly a shadow overtakes you and you suddenly find yourself in a metal room filled with bug eyed fish monsters. Wouldn't that be strange? That's Sci-Fi. Or fantasy, your swimming in the lake with your brother and suddenly he turns into a eel and attacks you, and you survive and find out the lake is magical and you have superpowers now. HMM. That's fantasy.
About (You Guessed It) Me!
Hey friends so my name is Isobel (New) York (My middle name is not actually new but i like to make fun of myself). I am a student at School of the Arts taking the creative writing course. So lets start with some 10 facts about me.
1. My favorite TV show is Lab Rats, because I miss my childhood.
2. I love cleaning
3. I have 3 other friends in my squad called 'Adirondack Squad' Victoria, Pahz, and our friend Alyssa.
4. My astrological sign is a Gemini (random fact but okay)
5. My favorite book series is Warrior Cats, which again, I miss my childhood.
6. My height is 4'10
7. Just because I'm as tall as a 10 year old doesn't mean I'm 10 *coughallmyfriendscough*
8. My favorite football team is the Chargers (Even though they suck) because my mom was born in San Diego.
9. My left eye has a spot of brown in it
10. I love gymnastics, but I'm not flexible enough to do it so I stretch every night to make my muscles more flexible.
That's all folks, hope you learned a bit about me. Okay goodbye.
1. My favorite TV show is Lab Rats, because I miss my childhood.
2. I love cleaning
3. I have 3 other friends in my squad called 'Adirondack Squad' Victoria, Pahz, and our friend Alyssa.
4. My astrological sign is a Gemini (random fact but okay)
5. My favorite book series is Warrior Cats, which again, I miss my childhood.
6. My height is 4'10
7. Just because I'm as tall as a 10 year old doesn't mean I'm 10 *coughallmyfriendscough*
8. My favorite football team is the Chargers (Even though they suck) because my mom was born in San Diego.
9. My left eye has a spot of brown in it
10. I love gymnastics, but I'm not flexible enough to do it so I stretch every night to make my muscles more flexible.
That's all folks, hope you learned a bit about me. Okay goodbye.
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